Ecosystem Mapping

Today we launch our new full day workshop for organisations in Eco System Mapping, just in time for end of year board and staff get togethers and planning days.

I’m writing this on my laptop amongst a blooming Spring Tasmanian garden and watching the bees around me pollinate the various flowers, the aphids try to attack the newly blooming roses and the ladybirds valiantly keeping them under control. We don’t work in isolation from other organisations and ecosystems, we are connected in so many dependent and non dependent ways. I’m seeing this glorious metaphor play out in front of me with the awareness of the impact we make on our physical and professional environments and the small and large decisions that are made to interrupt it.

Short term thinking to rid ourselves of aphids can result in the decimation of bee populations in our garden, critters that are essential to our success as gardeners. So too can short term thinking in organisations.

Here’s a little taste of the new organisational workshop offering and why we think it’s a winner.

It’s the best way to comprehensively understand how your organisation is fed and what influence you have on others.

You consider the ways your organisation is pollinated and the ways creativity is fed- as well as the way you are financed.

You understand your codependent relationships clearly and can model disturbances and changes to your operating environment in a way that is immediate and visual.

You can map how your internal structures and relationships reflect and support the sustainability of your organisation.

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